Could your cycle help optimize your life?

A while back I read an article about Cycle Syncing For Productivity and it got me thinking about how we could apply it to being a musician.

There are 4 phases in the cycle, and the different hormones peaking during each phase create a variety of energy and emotional changes. And yet, we very rarely even consider our cycles in our planning or think about it at all in relation to our work lives.

Would planning our freelance schedules around the naturally occurring phases in the menstrual cycle allow us to work WITH our changing energy levels and emotions instead of fighting against them?

We can’t always control the timing of events or projects, but by understanding the phases of the cycle and how they affect our creative energy we can start strategically scheduling the events and projects we DO have control over.

Scheduling events like album release shows, recording projects, and big meetings at times when we'll be feeling great and in the best emotional headspace for them.

Below I'm going to summarise each phase of the cycle from the article, and then offer a suggestion for the kinds of musician activities that might be best suited to each phase and those that might be better avoided.

Phase 1: Follicular Phase

When: starts right after your bleeding ends when your reproductive hormones are at their lowest level.

What: high-energy, optimism and energy, creativity at an all-time high

Focus on: recording, meetings with companies, creative workshops for new projects, batching content.

Avoid: paperwork and long periods spent working alone

Phase 2: Ovulatory Phase

When: three to four days in the middle of your cycle

What: both estrogen and testosterone levels peak lighting up the verbal and social areas of your brain encouraging confidence, great communication and social energy.

Focus on: album release shows, gigs, video shoots, events and networking

Avoid: solo practice sessions and hours of editing, revising, or otherwise low-energy work.

Phase 3: Luteal Phase

When: After ovulation and lasts about 14 days

What: During this stage, estrogen and progesterone levels rise, and energy starts to dwindle. More inward-focused and less social energy for unnecessary interactions.

Focus on: paperwork, practicing alone, writing songs, editing content.

Avoid: High energy events, networking, attending gigs.

Phase 4: Menstruation Phase

When: from the first day of bleeding till the last day of bleeding

What: Hormone levels are low, more fatigue, more rest is needed, good time for reflection and review

Focus on: songwriting, resting, finding inspiration in books, art, nature.

Avoid: high-intensity events, networking and gigs.


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